Research Article

Machine Learning-Based Parameter Tuned Genetic Algorithm for Energy Minimizing Vehicle Routing Problem

Algorithm 1

Overview of basic genetic algorithm developed for the EMVRP.
Read list of cities to be served with demands from CVRP Lib file
Read vehicle capacity from text file
Population size ()
Number of generations ()
Create a tour with a random order of cities
Do this for times to create a population
Get the best tour from the population
Save as the elite
initial energy = energy consumption of the fittest tour in first population
//Genetic algorithm
//Run for    times
//Run for times
        //Tournament selection
        Select a random set of tours from the population
        Get the fittest and return
        Parent1 = tournament selection ()
        Parent2 = tournament selection ()
        child = Crossover (Parent1, Parent2)
        Swap random two cities in the child
    //New population is created
    Get the fittest
    Replace previous elite if fittest is better than elite
Get the elite
Final energy = energy consumption of elite
Reduction of energy = (initial energy − final energy)/initial energy 100%
Print “Reduction of energy”