Research Article

Support Needs and Coping Strategies as Predictors of Stress Level among Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Table 2

Most and least frequently reported coping strategies.

Coping strategy%

Most frequently reported as extremely helpful.
(1) Believing that my child will get better.4159.4
(2) Investing myself in my child.3753.6
(3) Having my child with special needs seen by professionals on a regular basis.3652.2
(4) Talking with other parents in the same situation and learning about their experiences.3347.8
(5) Doing things together as a family, including all members of the household.3246.4
Most frequently reported as not helpful.
(1) Explaining our family situation to friends and neighbors so they will understand; eating. (Tied)2333.3
(2) Allowing myself to get angry.2130.4
(3) Encouraging my child with special needs to be more independent.1927.5
(4) Getting other members of the family to help with chores and tasks at home.1724.6
(5) Believing that things will always work out; telling myself that I should be thankful for. (Tied)1318.8
Least frequently reported as utilized
(1) Going out with my spouse on a regular basis.3246.4
(2) Entertaining friends in my home.3144.9
(3) Concentrating on hobbies (art, jogging, etc.).2942.0
(4) Doing things with family relative; getting away by myself; and working outside employment; investing time & energy in my job (3-way tie).2536.2
(5) Purchasing gifts from myself/others.2434.8