Research Article

Nasofacial Anthropometric Study among University Students of Three Races in Malaysia

Table 1

Face typeFacial index

Hypereuryprosopic (very broad, short face)78.9
Euryprosopic (broad, short face)79.0–83.9
Mesoprosopic (normoprosopic: average face)84.0–87.9
Leptoprosopic (tall, narrow face)88.0–92.9
Hyperleptoprosopic (very tall, narrow face)93.0

Nose typeNasal index

Hyperleptorrhine (excessively tall and narrow)54.9
Leptorrhine (tall and narrow)55.0–69.9
Mesorrhine (medium)70.0–84.9
Platyrrhine (broad and flat)85.0–99.9
Hyperplatyrrhine (excessively broad and flat)100.0