Research Article

Genomic Promoter Analysis Predicts Functional Transcription Factor Binding

Table 4

Summary of MEI predictions from 25 splits of training and test sets. “NA” means that cell could not be calculated for all splits. Otherwise, the means and sd’s were calculated from those splits without NA’s.

GroupMean sensitivity (sd)Mean specificity (sd)

HNF1Both.252 (.152)1 (0)
HNF1Hep0 (0)NA
HNF1Panc.352 (.102)1 (0)
HNF4Both.388 (.083).840 (.023)
HNF4Hep.130 (.041).486 (.201)
HNF4Panc.430 (.047).940 (.070)
Unbound.982 (.008).838 (.004)