Research Article

Large-Scale Recurrent Neural Network Based Modelling of Gene Regulatory Network Using Cuckoo Search-Flower Pollination Algorithm

Algorithm 1

For gn (gene) = 1 : 30
   Initialize the population para with host nests (solutions) with
   dimension = 3 that is .
For  : 10
   Calculate fob (fitness value) for all 10 solutions using RNN and FPA;
If ()
End if;
  End for;
  If (minimum (fob) )
   For  : max iteration (100)
  Randomly select a cuckoo (th) avoid current best;
  Randomly generate another nest (th) keeping current best nests by Lévy flights;
  If ()
   is replaced by the news solution;
  End if;
  If ()
  Discard the worse nests with a fractional probability ();
   Keep the highest quality nest that is best solution with best fitness value;
   Rank the available solutions and locate the current best;
   End for;
  End if;
End for;
Post-processing and visualization of GRN;
Function fob (para, gn)
 Initialize a rnnpara population of nf (30) with dimension df (5) pollen randomly with a switch probability
 Find the fitness fun for all solutions and best pollen among them
 For (tf < MaxGeneration (2000))
  For  : nf
   If ,
  Draw (df-dimensional) step vector L which obeys a Lévy distribution
   Global pollination via equation (4)
   Draw from a uniform distribution in
   Randomly choose jf and kf among all the solutions
   Do local pollination via equation (5)
   End if
   Evaluate fitness fun of new solutions of pollens
   If new solutions are better
  Update them in the population
   End if
  End for
  Find store the best fitness of current iteration
  If ((bestfitness (tf) <) (() && ((bestfitness () − bestfitness (tf)) < )))
  End if
 End for
 Return bestfitness
End fob
Function fun (rnnpara, para, gn)
 Define (5) times series data with (50) sample point
 Calculate the gene expression value of next time instance using equation (1)
 Determine the squared error using equation (7)
 Return error
End fun