Research Article

Multiphase Simulated Annealing Based on Boltzmann and Bose-Einstein Distribution Applied to Protein Folding Problem

Algorithm 4

Pseudocode of BAP phase of MPSABBE.
(1) BAP Phase( )
(2)    Begin
(3)      (Final temperature of MQP Phase)
(4)      = Final Temperature of this phase
(5)      = initial value (very close to one)
(6)      = Value calculated by analytical method
(7)     CM = Initial value
(8)      While () do
(10)      while () do
(11)       = perturbation system()
(12)      Difference =
(13)      If (Difference ≤ 0) then
(16)      ElseIf ( then
(19)      End if
(20)      If then //save
(23)      end if
(25)     end while
(26)      or
(28)     End while
(29) End