Research Article

Contribution to the Macrophytic Typology of Belgian Reference Watercourses

Figure 7

CCA ordination of the environmental variables and the characteristic species. Plots of the first, second (a), and third axes (b) (% variance axis 1 = 18.2, axis 2 = 11.8, and axis 3 = 10.2). Only the variables having an R² ≥ 0.20 with the principal axes are shown. CONDU: conductivity, PRFF: meadow and deciduous forest, PR: meadow, PRFR: meadow and conifer forest, PRFF: meadow and deciduous forest, FR: conifer forest, FF: deciduous forest, ASIT: site altitude, ASP: spring altitude, SUBS: substrate, CAL: calcium, TAC: alkalinity, pH: pH, NO3: nitrate nitrogen, PO4: orthophosphates, GEO 1, 3, 5, 6: geologies 1, 3, 5, 6. Abbreviations and full names of the species are given in at the end of the text.