Research Article

A Clustering Approach for the -Diversity Model in Privacy Preserving Data Mining Using Fractional Calculus-Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm

Pseudocode 1

The pseudocode of FC-BFO algorithm.
Input: Dataset   Output: Clusters  
  chemotaxis step;   reproduction step;     elimination-dispersal step;  
dimension of the search space;     total number of bacteria in the population;
  number of chemotactic steps;   number of reproduction steps;   number of
elimination-dispersal steps;   swim step;   probability of elimination-
dispersal;   step size during tumble.
 FC-BFO Algorithm:
(1)   Initialize the parameters   where
(2)   Elimination-dispersal loop :
(3)   Reproduction loop :
(4)   Chemotaxis loop :
(5)   Apply a chemotaxis step for the th bacterium (where, )
(6)   Calculate fitness function
(7)   Store the value as   to find a better fitness function
(8)   Tumble: Generate a random vector   with each element of a numerical
(9)   Generate a random direction of categorical attribute
(10) Move: Make a move in the direction of the tumble for the bacterium
(11) Compute fitness function   with  
(12) Swim:
(13) Initialize the swim counter
(14) While     do
(16) if   <     then
(19) else
(20) End if
(21)  End while
(22) If ,   then go to step 4.
(23) Reproduction     of   bacteria with higher OB.
(24) If ,   then go to step 3. Start again with the Chemotaxis step.
(25) Elimination-dispersal   : eliminate the bacterium that has highest
   fitness   value and disperse it to a random location
(26) For   to   :
(27) Anonymize ()
(28) End for
(29) End