Research Article

Fuzzy Reliability in Spatial Databases

Table 10

Weights assigned to the layers of each thematic dataset for the isoreliable zone O1.

Thematic datasetLayerWeight

Aerial photogrammetric data(1.1) Streets4
(1.2) Buildings4
(1.3) Spot elevations3
(1.4) Contours3
(2) Cadastral data(2.1) Terrain parcels4
(2.2) Buildings parcels4
(2.3) Land use3
(3) Hydrology(3.1) Rivers3
(3.2) Lakes3
(3.3) Aquifers2
(4) Geology(4.1) Surface geology4
(4.2) Land slides3
(4.3) Alluvial zones3
(5) Infrastructural networks(5.1) Road network4
(5.2) Drainage system3
(5.3) Water supply network3
(5.4) Electricity grid2