Research Article

Innovative Strategy to Improve Precision and to Save Power of a Real-Time Control Process Using an Online Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller

Table 12

Multiple range test for MSE of the Effect B: control.
(a) Method of 95,0% LSD for MSE of the Effect B: control

ControlCasesMean LS LS Homogeneous

Adapt FLC100,8240,0590971X
PID 101,2750,0590971X
PD 101,2910,0590971X
PI 101,4530,0590971X

(b) The contrast between the used Algorithms

ContrastSig.Difference+/− Limits

Adapt-PID *−0,4510,168437
Adapt-PD *−0,4670,168437
Adapt-PI *−0,6290,168437
FLC-PID −0,0660,168437
FLC-PD −0,0820,168437
FLC-PI *−0,2440,168437
PI-PID *0,1780,168437
PD-PI −0,1620,168437

Indicates a significant difference.