Research Article

Knowledge, Practice, and Barriers of Foot Care among Diabetic Patients Attending Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital, Bahir Dar, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 2

Distribution of patients’ response to questions related to the knowledge of diabetic foot self-care in Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital, Bahir Dar, 2014.

Knowledge questionsDo knowDo not know
Freq. (%)Freq. (%)

DM patients should take medication regularly because they are liable to get DM complication. 307 (98.1)6 (1.9)
DM patients should look after their feet because they may not feel a minor injury to their feet. 222 (70.9)91 (29.1)
DM patients should look after their feet because wounds and infection may not heal quickly.257 (82.1)56 (17.9)
DM patients should look after their feet because they may get a foot ulcer. 244 (78.0)69 (22.0)
DM patients should not smoke because smoking causes poor circulation and affects the feet.63 (20.1)250 (79.9)
How often do you think you should inspect your feet?212 (67.7)101 (32.3)
If you found redness/bleeding between your toes what is the first thing you do?233 (74.4)80 (25.6)
How often do you think your feet should be washed?292 (93.3)21 (6.7)
What temperature of water do you think you should wash your feet in? 81 (25.9)232 (74.1)
How often do you think you should inspect the inside of your footwear for objects or torn lining?213 (68.1)100 (31.9)
How often do you think you should wear shoes and socks?225 (71.9)88 (28.1)