Research Article

End-to-End Image Simulator for Optical Imaging Systems: Equations and Simulation Examples

Figure 11

Simulated false color SIMGA radiance image (SWIR bands) of green panels over vegetation (a). The scenario has a dimension of 740*740 m2 and it is composed of 4 classes of background scenario: class 1 = green grass, class 2 = bare soil, class 3 = linear mixing of green grass (1/3), dry grass (1/3), and bare soil (1/3); class 4 = pinewood [linear mixing of green (1/2) and dry (1/2) needles]. 18 targets are used grouping in three different sizes (T_1 = 1 × 1 m2, T_2 = 2 × 2 m2, and T_3 = 4 × 4 m2) and three different types (light green paint, dark green paint, and mimetic paint). Mimetic paint is composed of 1/3 light green paint, 1/3 dark green paint, and 1/3 light grey paint. The same type and size of targets are disposed in the upper and in the lower part of the figure at different distances (resp., 40 m and 4 m) respect to the class 4 scenario. Green panels are clearly distinguished as little dark points respect to vegetation, because of their lower radiance in the SWIR bands (at 1.25 and 1.6 micron). Comparison between green grass (upper black curve in the SWIR bands) and light green paint panel (lower red curve in the SWIR bands) (b).