Review Article

Early Detection and Treatment of Psychosis: The Bern Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Perspective

Table 1

At-risk criterion cognitive-perceptive basic symptoms (COPER) [89, 97].

Presence of at least any one of the following ten basic symptoms with at least weekly occurrence (i.e., a SPI-A/SPI-CY score of ≥3) within the last three months and first occurrence at least 12 months ago (irrespective of frequency and persistence during this time):
(i) thought interference (C2)a
(ii) thought perseveration (O1)
(iii) thought pressure (D3)
(iv) thought blockages (C3)
(v) disturbance of receptive speech (C4)
(vi) decreased ability to discriminate between ideas and perception, fantasy and true memories (O2)
(vii) unstable ideas of reference (D4)
(viii) derealisation (O8)
(ix) visual perception disturbances, excl. blurred vision and hypersensitivity to light (D5, F2, F3, and O4)
(x) acoustic perception disturbances, excl. hypersensitivity to sounds (F5, O5)

Item numbers refer to the SPI-A.