Research Article

Regulatory Multidimensionality of Gas Vesicle Biogenesis in Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1

Figure 1

Growth of Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1. The Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 growth curve derived from data originally presented in Facciotti et al. [12]. OD600, displayed against the left 𝑦 -axis in logarithmic scale, is denoted by open circles. CFU, displayed against the right 𝑦 -axis in linear scale, is denoted by closed circles. Points X and x (representing OD600 and CFU, respectively) mark the initial reference point for GV supplementary experiments. Point pairs A and a, and B and b, denote the corresponding OD600 and CFU data where the two largest CFU decreases were observed. Point pairs (A, a and B, b) along with reference points (X, x) were used to calculate the number of GVs released into media during stationary phase.