Research Article

Towards a Computational Model of a Methane Producing Archaeum

Table 1

Kinetic model of methanogenesis. Reactions are from iMB745 [22]. Rate constants used in the kinetic model are taken from the literature where indicated or were fit to experiments of growth on methanol. Water molecules and the intracellular protons (H+), which are shown for completeness, are assumed to be constant and are not explicitly modeled. The “Type” column specifies the reaction mechanism: B: irreversible bimolecular Michaelis-Menten, B/C: irreversible bimolecular Michaelis-Menten for the two underlined reactants with a constant flux term for the others, which is set to the flux calculated for bimolecular reaction, M: irreversible unimolecular Michaelis-Menten, F: first order reaction.

Enzyme Reaction (s−1) (mM) Type Citation

Acetoclastic pathway
Ack ATP + Ac → AcP + ADP 1055 0.0713 B [32]
Ack ADP + AcP → Ac + ATP 1260 0.098 B [33]
Pta CoA + AcP → AcCoA + Pi 1500 0.186 B [34]
Pta AcCoA + Pi → CoA + AcP 65.8 0.18 B [35]
Cdh A cCoA + 2Fdox + H4SPT + H2O → CO + CoA + 2Fdred + MeH4SPT + 2H+ 358.5 7.1 B/C [36]
Cdh CO + CoA + 2Fdred + MeH4SPT + 2H+ → AcCoA + 2Fdox + H4SPT + H2O 1130 0.9 B/C [37]

Methylotrophic pathway
MtaCBA1 MeOH + CoM + H+ → MeCoM + H2O 17 50 M [38, 39]
MtaCBA2 MeOH + CoM + H+ → MeCoM + H2O 15 50 M [38, 39]
MtaCBA3 MeOH + CoM + H+ → MeCoM + H2O 5 50 M [38, 39]
Mer MeH4SPT + F420 + H+ → MethyleneH4SPT + F420H2119.7 0.25 B [40]
Mer MethyleneH4SPT + F420H2 → MeH4SPT + F420 + H+815 0.3 B [41]
Mtd MethyleneH4SPT + F420 + 2H+ → MethenylH4SPT + F420H22650 0.065 B [42]
Mtd MethenylH4SPT + F420H2 → MethyleneH4SPT + F420 + 2H+408 0.065 B
Mch MethenylH4SPT + H2O → FormylH4SPT + H+701 0.57 M [43]
Mch FormylH4SPT + H+ → MethenylH4SPT + H2O 100 0.57 M
Ftr FormylH4SPT + Mfr → H4SPT + H+ + FormylMfr 1787 0.1 B [42]
Ftr H4SPT + H+ + FormylMfr → FormylH4SPT + Mfr 262 0.1 B
Fmd/Fwd FormylMfr + 2Fdox + H2O → CO2 + 2Fdred + H+ + Mfr 1225 0.02 B/C [44]
Fmd/Fwd CO2 + 2Fdred + H+ + Mfr → FormylMfr + 2Fdox + H2O 175 0.02 B/C

Shared pathway
Mtr H+ + MeH4SPT + 2Nac+ + CoM → H4SPT + 2Nae+ + MeCoM 50 3.7 B
Mtr H4SPT + 2Nae++ MeCoM → H+ + MeH4SPT + 2Nac+ + CoM 50 3.7 B
Mcr MeCoM + CoB → CoBCoM + CH4 5.0 2 B [45]

Electron transport pathway
HdrDE CobCoM + MphenH2 + 2H+ → Cob + CoM + Mphen + 2He+ 74 0.092 B [46]
Rnf 2Fdred + 3Nac+ + Mphen + 2H+ → 2Fdox + 3Nae+ + MphenH2 80 0.1 B/C
Fpo F420H2 + Mphen + H+ → F420 + MphenH2 + 2He+ 80 0.1 B

Cell growth
ATP synthase ADP + Pi + 4 → ATP + H2O + 3H+ 16 0.1 B/C [47]
Cell Massa ATP → ADP + Pi + Cell mass 0.125b F [22, 31]

The reaction that converts ATP into ADP and cell mass, generating proteins via the stoichiometry in Table 2. bThis rate is in units of hr−1 which is equivalent to an 8 hr doubling time for M. acetivorans.