Research Article

An Acidic Exopolysaccharide from Haloarcula hispanica ATCC33960 and Two Genes Responsible for Its Synthesis

Table 2

A comparison of sugar composition of EPS in haloarchaea.

HaloarchaeaSugar composition of EPS

Haloferax mediterranei ATCC 33500Man : 2-amino-2-deoxy-GlcA = 1.0 : 1.1 [15]
Haloferax gibbonsii ATCC 33959Man : Glc : Gal : Rha = 2 : 1 : 3 : 1 [10]
Haloterrigena turkmenicaGlc : GlcNH2 : GlcA : Gal : GalNH2 = 1 : 0.65 : 0.24 : 0.22 : 0.02 [11]
Haloarcula spp. T5Man : Gal : GlcA = 2 : 1 : 3 [8]
Haloarcula spp. T6 and T7Man : Gal : Glc = 1 : 0.2 : 0.2 [8]
Haloarcula hispanic ATCC33960Man : Gal : Glc = 1 : 0.77 : 0.02