Review Article

Imaging Features of Superficial and Deep Fibromatoses in the Adult Population

Figure 3

Extraabdominal fibromatosis of the popliteus and soleus muscles after pregnancy: a 27-year-old female with growth of a calf desmoid tumor noted during and after pregnancy. (a) Transverse sonography of the lesion (arrow) during a needle biopsy demonstrates a well-defined, heterogeneous hypoechoic mass. (b) T1-weighted (TR450/TE24) image reveals a heterogeneous lesion (arrow) measuring 6.6 centimeters (cm) × 2.9 cm in the coronal plane with signal similar to skeletal muscle. (c) Coronal T2- (TR3000/TE90) and (d) T1-weighted (TR450/TE24) postcontrast sequences with fat suppression shows a heterogeneous lesion (arrow) with central enhancement and significant band-like low signal component (arrowheads) predominantly at the periphery. (e) Coronal T1-weighted (TR484.913/TE7) postcontrast with fat saturation was obtained one year and nine months following the other MR images ((b)–(d)) and five months after partum. Both the size (9.8 cm × 3.3 cm in the coronal plane) of the desmoid tumor (arrow) and relative proportion of enhancing cellular tissue have increased under hormonal stimulation.