Clinical Study

The Relationship between Balance, Muscles, and Anthropomorphic Features in Young Adults

Table 2

Relationship between balance types and anthropomorphic features.

Balance types Anterior = 1 Neutral = 2 Posterior = 3 Pectoral muscles shortness test Hamstring muscles shortness test Gastrocnemius muscles shortness test Hip flexor muscles shortness testLumbar extensor muscles shortness testWaist circumstance (mm)Hip circumstance (mm)

r (Spearman Rank Correlation).159(*).151(*).145(*).145(*)−.044−.108.132(*).133(*).047−.192 (**)−.127 (*)

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2 tailed).
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2 tailed).