Research Article

The Thoracic Shape of Hominoids

Table 1

The species and the number of specimens for each species included in the present study.

SpeciesAbbreviationsSource1Number of

Hylobates speciesHYAMNH, SI, YK8
Homo sapiens HSDU6
Pongo pygmaeus PGYK1
Pan troglodytes PNBM2
Saimiri sciureus SSSI9
Cebus capucinus CCSI5
Aotus trivirgatus AOSI5
Cacajao rubicundus CJSI3
Papio anubis PASI, AMNH2
Theropithecus gelada TGSI4
Cercopithecus aethiops CASI6
Erythrocebus patas EPSI4

1AMNH: American Museum of Natural History; BM: Buckshire Co. and Milwaukee Zoo; DU: Duke University, Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy; SI: United States National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; YK: Yerkes Primate Center.