Research Article

Psychometric Properties of the 8-Item English Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale in a Diverse Sample

Table 1

Sample characteristics ().

Characteristic% ()Mean (SD)Range

Gender, %
 Men14.21 (57)
 Women85.79 (344)
Race, %
 White 64.00 (256)
 African American35.25 (141)
 Other races or biracial0.75 (3)
Age group, %
 18–44 years12.75 (51)
 45–64 years65.50 (262)
 64+ years21.75 (87)
Educational attainment, %
 Less than college graduate39.25 (157)
 College graduate60.75 (243)
Weight status, %
 Normal weight14.50 (58)
 Overweight28.50 (114)
 Obese57.00 (228)
Arthritis self-efficacy6.32 (2.12)0–10
Arthritis symptoms, %
 Pain4.71 (2.32)0–10
 Fatigue4.99 (2.65)0–10
 Stiffness5.32 (2.55)0–10
Depressive symptoms6.47 (5.14)0–28
HRQOL, days impaired in past month10.42 (10.70)0–30
Self-rated health (1 = poor; 5 = excellent)3.07 (0.83)1–5
Self-reported disability (3 = most disabled)0.63 (0.52)0–2
Functional performance
 6-minute walk, meters494.05 (91.22)151.46–721.57
 Gait speed, meters/second1.09 (0.22)0.39–1.72
 Chair stands, number in 30 seconds9.99 (3.48)0–24
Total PA, hours/week9.94 (7.37)0–46.75

Note: not all numbers sum to 401 due to missing data. HRQOL = health-related quality of life; min = minute; total PA = light-, moderate-, and vigorous-intensity physical activity.