Research Article

Specifying Process Views for a Measurement, Evaluation, and Improvement Strategy

Table 9

Process template in which information and views are documented for the recommend, perform improvement actions, and reevaluate EQ activities.

Activity: recommend, perform improvement actions, and reevaluate EQcode (in Figure 2): Ph. V

Objective: improve the current application version and determine the improvement gain from the EQ standpoint.

Description: Considering the EQ analysis report generated in conduct EQ analysis activity (Phase IV), the recommender makes recommendations to improve the current application, and the maintenance project manager produces an improvement plan to enhance the current WebApp. After the recommended changes were implemented by the developer and a new version generated, a reevaluation of the EQ is performed to determine the improvement gain between both application versions.

(i) Recommend improvement actions
(ii) Design improvement actions
(iii) Perform improvement actions
(iv) Evaluate improvement gain (i.e., in Phase IV)
Involved roles:
(i) Recommender
(ii) Maintenance project manager
(iii) Developer
(iv) Data analyzer

Input artifacts:Output artifacts:
(i) EQ analysis report(i) EQ recommendations report
(ii) Current application version(ii) Improvement plan
(iii) New application version
(iv) New EQ analysis report (from Phase IV)

Preconditions: there are EQ attributes with low level of satisfaction met, so improvement actions are needed to enhance the current software/web application version.Postconditions: the Phase V finishes when the EQ attributes met the agreed satisfaction level.