Research Article

An Initial Investigation of the Generalization of a School-Based Social Competence Intervention for Youth with High-Functioning Autism

Table 2

Participant baseline social characteristics.

NameBaseline social characteristics

Shawn(i) Limited social interaction with peers
(ii) Social interaction primarily targeted towards adults
(iii) Difficulty initiating and maintaining conversation

Jason(i) High rates of inappropriate social behavior (e.g., talking too loud, interrupting, dominating conversation)
(ii) Repetitive and stereotypic topics and interests
(iii) Engaged in “self-talk” (e.g., continued conversation with no audience)

William(i) Limited social interaction with peers
(ii) Social interaction primarily targeted towards adults
(iii) Engaged in “self-talk” (e.g., continued conversation with no audience)
(iv) Repetitive and stereotypic topics and interests

Ryan(i) Social interaction levels comparable to general education peers
(ii) High rates of inappropriate social behavior (e.g., talking too loud, interrupting, dominating conversation, aggressive tone)

Chris(i) Social interaction levels comparable to general education peers
(ii) Limited social interaction (except for a select group of peers and adults)

Jeremy(i) Limited social interaction with peers
(ii) Social interaction primarily geared towards adults
(iii) Pedantic conversation topics
(iv) Difficulty initiating and maintaining conversation