Clinical Study

Investigating the Relationship between Self-Injurious Behavior, Social Deficits, and Cooccurring Behaviors in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Table 2

Summary of standardized coefficients.

Parameter estimateStandardized

Social_skill D1−5.232na
Social_skill SIB frequency−.274na
Social_skill SIB_severity−.008na
Social_skill ASD_CC_sum−.046na
Mess_adaptive_appropriate social_skill1.266na
Mess_inappropriately_assertive social_skill−.722na
Mess_adaptive_appropriate E27.296na
Mess_hostile social_skill−.381na
Mess_hostile E111.700na
Mess_inappropriately_assertive E35.318na
SIB_severity ASD_CC_sum29.008.003
E2 E1.856
E2 E31.469
BPI_total SIB_severity19.366.001
BPI_total ASD_CC_sum23.103.016
E1 E3.791

, ; relative chi square = .854, GFI = .988, CFI = 1.000, RMSEA = .000, and Ratio = .267.
na: not available.
E1: Error 1.
E2: Error 2.
E3: Error 3.