Research Article

Mild Dermatoglyphic Deviations in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Average Intellectual Abilities as Compared to Typically Developing Boys

Table 2

Palmar flexion creases (PFCs) as a percentage of all palms for boys with ASD and typically developing boys.

HandPatternASD boysControl boys value

LeftNormal100% (46)97.9% (47)0.970.33
Simian0% (0)2.1% (1)
Sydney0% (0)0% (0)

RightNormal97.8% (45)93.8% (45)1.960.38
Simian0% (0)4.2% (2)
Sydney2.2% (1)2.1% (1)

Discordance between LH and RH2.2% (1)4% (2)0.300.58

ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorders; LH = left hand; RH = right hand.
Exact counts of palms are in parentheses. Chi-square tests the hypothesis that there is no association between PFC patterns and group membership.