Research Article

Early Intervention with a Parent-Delivered Massage Protocol Directed at Tactile Abnormalities Decreases Severity of Autism and Improves Child-to-Parent Interactions: A Replication Study

Table 1

Participant demographics.

Tx active Tx dropped Tx totalControl activeControl droppedControl totalTotal activeTotal dropped

Total number4213554264810319
 Not Hisp./Lat.31940354397913
Poverty level
 Did not share 437606133
  income level

Tx = treatment.
Tx drop = those participants who were in the treatment group condition that dropped out.
Control drop = those participants who were in the waitlist control group condition that dropped out.
AI/AN = American Indian/Alaska native.
NH/PI = native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.
Note: parents could select more than one ethnicity/race. So the numbers add up to more than the number of subjects.