Research Article

An Analysis of Canadian Institute for Health Research Funding for Research on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Table 1

Variables extracted from CIHR funded grants.

Variable nameDescription

AmountTotal amount of funds released by CIHR

YearFiscal year in which grant was awarded

Grant type(i) Capacity building; (ii) knowledge creation; (iii) knowledge translation

Theme of research(i) Biomedical; (ii) clinical; (iii) health systems/services; (iv) social/cultural/environmental/population health

ProvinceProvince in which administering institution is located

CIHR InstituteCIHR institute from which funds originated: (i) Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction; (ii) Human Development, Child and Youth Health; (iii) Genetics; (iv) Health Services and Policy Research; (v) Aging; (vi) Population and Public Health