Research Article

Factor Structure, Internal Consistency, and Screening Sensitivity of the GARS-2 in a Developmental Disabilities Sample

Table 2

Pattern matrix of factor loadings for GARS-2 three-factor solution.

GARS-2 subscale/itemFactor IFactor IIFactor III

Stereotyped Behaviors
(1) Avoids eye contact.08.80−.03
(2) Stares .59.27.07
(3) Flicks fingers.79.05−.08
(4) Eat specific foods.16.34.22
(5) Licks or eats inedible objects.75.15−.23
(6) Smells or sniffs objects.63.12.00
(7) Whirls, turns.88−.14.06
(8) Spins objects.64−.04.08
(9) Rocks back and forth.73.10−.12
(10) Lunging Movements.82−.10−.03
(11) Prances.73−.10.30
(12) Flaps hands or fingers.80−.04.00
(13) High-pitched sounds.81.10.04
(14) Injures self.63.11.09

(15) Repeats (echoes) words .43−.10.58
(16) Repeats words out of context.14−.03.82
(17) Repeats over and over.19−.01.73
(18) Speaks with flat affect−.07.52.39
(19) Responds inappropriately.31.34.21
(20) Looks away when name is called.08.77.03
(21) Avoids asking.05.70−.04
(22) Fails to initiate conversation.10.58.14
(23) Uses “yes”/“no” inappropriately.13.31.30
(24) Uses pronouns inappropriately −.13−.09.91
(25) Uses “I” inappropriately−.16.03.83
(26) Repeats unintelligible sounds.55.22.07
(27) Uses gestures instead of speech.44.33−.17
(28) Inappropriately answers questions−.10.12.70

Social Interaction
(29) Avoids eye contact.15.71.02
(30) Stares or looks unhappy.19.67−.02
(31) Resists physical contact−.04.74−.09
(32) Nonimitative of others.10.68−.04
(33) Withdrawn, aloof, standoffish−.01.80.09
(34) Unreasonably fearful.05.48.15
(35) Unaffectionate−.24.82.03
(36) Looks through people.21.70−.08
(37) Laughs, giggles, cries inappropriately.45.31.11
(38) Uses toys/objects inappropriately.66.11.09
(39) Does things repetitively .55.10.34
(40) Upset when routines change.24.19.32
(41) Responds negatively to commands.38.19.18
(42) Lines up objects.30.07.31

Note. All items are paraphrased to conserve space. Factor loadings ≥.30 are in bold, while the highest factor loading for each item is in italic font.