Clinical Study

CMV Serostatus of Donor-Recipient Pairs Influences the Risk of CMV Infection/Reactivation in HSCT Patients

Table 5

Univariate analysis of risk factors for CMV reactivation/infection event(s) in group of SIB and MUD HLA match patients and in group of MUD HLA mismatch patients.

Optimally matched group (SIB+ 10/10 HLA matched) of patients MUD HLA mismatched group of patients
Variable CMV absenceCMV presence value CMV absenceCMV presence value
Infection/reactivation until 1 year post HSCT   Infection/reactivation until 1 year post HSCT  

Source of HSCT

Conditioning regimen
 Absence of ATG and Campath3350.1670.170

Donor CMV IgG
 CMV IgG−26120.27310110.532
 CMV IgG+8624107

Recipient CMV IgG
 CMV IgG−1820.160620.238
 CMV IgG+95341416

Donor-recipient IgG CMV serology
 R−/D−, R−/D+, R+/D+96240.0151580.096

Donor/recipient gender
 Male to male, female to female, and  male to female67230.69813140.485
 Female to male461374

Donor gender

Recipient gender

Recipient age

 aGvHD ≤ grade I88230.123970.752
 aGvHD > grade I25131111