Research Article

Urdu Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy-2 (CAPL-2) Questionnaires: A Reliability Analysis in Pakistani Children

Table 3

Test-retest difference and reliability in the CAPL-2U questionnaire knowledge and understanding domain.

K&UTest ()Retest ()Reliability test
Item total correlationItem total correlationCronbach’s αICC (95% CI) value+SEM%SEMMDC

Physical activity understanding0.83 (0.38)0.3180.85 (0.36)0.3180.9060.827 (0.788–0.860)0.1090.1618.590.44
Cardiorespiratory fitness definition0.69 (0.47)0.6660.70 (0.59)0.6560.9510.906 (0.884–0.925)0.2490.1825.840.50
Muscular endurance definition0.48 (0.50)0.5350.50 (0.51)0.5230.9620.927 (0.909–0.941)0.1320.1427.560.38
Improve sport skills0.69 (0.47)0.6590.70 (0.45)0.6300.9460.898 (0.874–0.918)0.1660.1521.440.42
PA comprehension3.64 (1.17)0.7313.66 (1.18)0.7250.9930.986 (0.982–0.988)0.0830.143.810.39
Composite K&U domain score6.32 (1.94)N/A6.37 (1.95)N/A0.9920.983 (0.978–0.986)0.0090.253.990.70

Note: K&U: knowledge and understanding. Data is presented as follows: : mean; SD: standard deviation; N/A: not applicable. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level; Cronbach’s α was calculated for each construct; ICC: calculated with a two-way mixed model, absolute agreement, and single measure. value+: paired sample -test, value in bold shows a significant difference. SEM: standard error of measurement; %SEM: standard error of measurement as a percentage; MDC: minimum detectable change; Cronbach’s alpha α: >0.7 = good; ICC: <0.02 = weak, 0.21-0.40 = fair, 0.41-0.60 = moderate, 0.61 to 0.80 = significant, and >0.80 = excellent. Pearson’s correlation : >0.81 = excellent, 0.80-0.61 = very good, 0.60-0.41 = good, 0.40-0.21 = acceptable, <0.20 = insufficient. : shows  < 0.01 for item-total correlation.