Research Article

Dietary Karaya Saponin and Rhodobacter capsulatus Exert Hypocholesterolemic Effects by Suppression of Hepatic Cholesterol Synthesis and Promotion of Bile Acid Synthesis in Laying Hens

Table 2

Effect of dietary karaya saponin and R. capsulatus on yolk fatty acids.

Fatty acidTreatment
ControlR. capsulatusSaponinSaponin + R. capsulatus

16 : 0
18 : 0
16 : 1
18 : 1
18 : 2
18 : 3

with different superscripts differ significantly ( ) in the same row; “a”, “b”, “c” indicate significant difference from each other while “ab” is not significant. Values are (mg/g) for 10 laying hens per group.
Differences were tested by Duncan multiple range test. MUFA monounsaturated fatty acids, PUSA polyunsaturated fatty acids, SFA saturated fatty acids.