Research Article

Antioxidant Status of Vigna mungo L. in Response to Sulfur Nutrition

Table 2

Effect of graded level of sulfur supply on photoassimilatory pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids), carbohydrates (sugars and starch), and cysteine in leaves of black gram plants at 28 days of growth.

S supply: meq S L−

Chlorophyll: mg g−1 fresh weight
 Chl. 0.328e0.507d0.704a0.671b0.541c
 Chl. 0.199d0.306c0.358a0.339a0.287b
 Total Chl.
 Chl / 1.648c1.656c1.966a1.971a1.882b
Carotenoids: mg g−1 fresh weight
 Car 0.245d0.361c0.537a0.489b0.386c
Carbohydrates: % fresh weight
 Reducing sugar0.093c0.085d0.076e0.120a0.100b
 Nonreducing sugar0.082a0.080a0.022c0.057b0.025c
 Total sugar
 Starch2.530a1.915c 0.960e1.725d2.415b
Cysteine: mM 100 mg−1 fresh weight

Differences between group means with different letters in the same row are significant at .