Review Article

The GRK2 Overexpression Is a Primary Hallmark of Mitochondrial Lesions during Early Alzheimer Disease

Figure 1

Subcellular localization of GRK2 immunoreactivity detected by using preembedding immunogold decoration in hippocampus of age-matched control (a, b) and AD brain (c, d). (a) and (b) The neuronal cell body from the age-matched control brain hippocampal tissue shows the presence of GRK2 containing gold particles (arrows) attached to the external membrane of partially damaged mitochondria. GRK2 immunopositive gold particles localized in the matrix of damaged mitochondria and Golgi cistern, X 30,000 and X 40,000, respectively, (a) and (b). (c) Hippocampal tissue from the AD brain shows that the neuronal cell body is characterized by the presence of large number of mitochondria-derived lysosomes (M) and disperse distribution of GRK2 positive gold particles (arrows), X 6,000. (d) Glial cell body from the AD brain tissue shows clusters of GRK2 immunoreactivity in the matrix of mitochondria derived-lysosomes (single arrow), X 20,000. Abbreviations: M Mitochondria; N cell nucleus, [reprinted with permission of Neurotoxicity Research [8]