Research Article

The HPLC/DAD Fingerprints and Chemometric Analysis of Flavonoid Extracts from the Selected Sage (Salvia) Species

Table 2

A comparison of the numbers of the separated chromatographic peaks, and of the sums of the separated peak heights and peak areas with twenty-four different sage species harvested in 2009. Numbering of the sage samples is in conformity with Table 1.

Sample no.Sage speciesNo. of separated peaksSum of separated peak heights (mAV)Sum of separated peak areas ( )

1S. amplexicaulis71906.31038.2
2S. azurea61856.31168.3
3S. cadmica41507.7630.4
4S. deserta61666.3740.8
5S. forskahlei82041.61238.3
6S. glutinosa a81630.3895.8
7S. hians111951.71009.0
8S. jurisicii131643.7847.0
9S. nemorosa141893.51244.0
10S. pratensis ssp. Haematodes121635.5903.4
11S. sclarea51610.7852.3
12S. staminea91980.8948.0
13S. stepposa91646.1632.3
14S. tesquicola91665.8667.4
15S. triloba71586.4669.4
16S. verticillata71711.7878.8
17S. officinalis61377.4676.1
18S. lavandulifolia91614.3837.4
21S. argentea91634.1981.5
22S. austriaca81561.0930.0
23S. nutans71464.7609.4
24S. regeliana71487.9806.6
25S. superba61993.5886.4
28S. pratensis91600.7927.6