Case Report

Primary Burkitt Lymphoma of the Fourth Ventricle in an Immunocompetent Young Patient

Table 1

Reported cases of primary Burkitt lymphoma in central nervous system.

AuthorYearAgeGenderLocationPrevious status/immunity

1 Valsamis et al. [1]19763 mMaleBoth temporal tips and partial temporal areaPositive serology for EBV

2 Gigormini et al. [2]198111 yMaleTemporooccipital areaExcised astrocytoma, 6 months before presentation with Burkitt lymphoma

3 Kobayashi et al. [3]198455 yFemaleRight temporoparietal areaNot available

4 Hegedus [4]198450 yFemaleBrainstem and cerebellumNothing significant/competent

5 Tekkok et al. [5]19915 yMaleFrontobasal parasellar areaNothing significant/competent

6 Toren et al. [6]19946 yFemale ? MidbrainNothing significant/competent

7 Späth-Schwalbe et al. [7]199940 yMaleCerebellum and ponsNothing significant/competent

8 Monabati et al. [8]200249 yFemaleRight parietal lobeIron deficiency anemia/competent

9 Shehu [9]20038 yMaleLeft temporal area and right lateral orbitNot available

10 Gobbato et al. [10]200638 yMaleRight frontotemporoparietal subdural areaAIDS

11 Abel et al. [11]200650 yMaleCentral thalamus and right thalamusNot available

12 Kozáková et al. [12]200860 yFemaleSellar (pituitary)Nothing significant/competent

13 Takasu et al. [13]201071 yMaleHypothalamic third ventricleKnown case of inactive TB/competent

14 Gu et al. [14]201075 yFemaleThird and left lateral ventriclesResolved cerebral infarction/competent

15Lim et al. [15]201143 yFemaleMedulla oblongataNot available

16Jiang et al. [16]201114 yMaleRight lateral ventricleNothing significant/competent

17Akhaddar et al. [17]201213 yFemaleRight infratemporal areaNothing significant/competent

18Yoon et al. [18]201210 yMaleSuprasellar, cerebellum, 3rd ventricleNot available

19Yoon et al. [18]201232 mMaleSellar area, extend to orbit/sphenoidNot available

20Jiang et al. [19]201269 yMaleRight temporal and occipital lobes, cervical spine, and cauda equinaNothing significant/competent