Case Report

Cytological Features of Mammary Analogue Secretory Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland in a 15-Year-Old Girl: A Case Report with Review of the Literature

Figure 3

Macroscopic and histological morphology of mammary analogue secretory carcinoma. The cut section of the tumor was uncircumscribed and whitish, invading into the connective tissue surrounding the parotid gland (a). Microscopically, the tumor grew in a nodular fashion with abundant fibrous septa (b). The tumor formed small ducts or microcysts and often had vacuolated cytoplasm (arrows) (c). Tumor cells were relatively uniform and showed morphology similar to intercalated duct (d). Pinkish/mucin-like substances were sometimes seen inside the tumor tubules (e). Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were diffusely and intensely positive for S-100 (f) and partially/intensely positive for mammaglobin (g). (b) to (e) HE stain; (f) immunohistochemistry for S100; (g) immunohistochemistry for mammaglobin.