Case Report

Paravertebral Well-Differentiated Liposarcoma with Low-Grade Osteosarcomatous Component: Case Report with 11-Year Follow-Up, Radiological, Pathological, and Genetic Data, and Literature Review

Figure 4

Immunostaining of MDM2, CDK4, and P16: (a), (b), and (c) Immunostaining with anti-MDM2 antibody. MDM2 nuclear positivity is present in 5–10% of stromal cells (a), in some lipoblasts (b), and in rare osteoblasts rimming neoformed bone (c). (d) Immunostaining with anti-CDK4 antibody: more diffuse nuclear but also cytoplasmic staining was present in stromal cells and osteoblasts (20–30%). (e) Immunostaining with anti-P16 antibody: albeit not specific, diffuse and strong positivity with P16 was present in stromal cells, cells rimming or within bone trabeculae and also in lipoblasts.