Case Report

Lipomatous/Extensively Vacuolated Ependymoma with Signet-Ring Cell-Like Appearance: Analysis of a Case with Extensive Literature Review

Figure 2

Histopathological findings (lipomatous/vacuolated component). (a) Low magnification photomicrograph showing numerous dystrophic calcification foci (left field) around areas resembling fat lobules (right upper field). (b) Signet-ring cells with an optically empty cytoplasm resembling adipose tissue. (c) Heavily hyalinised vessel with dystrophic calcification in a high-power field. (d) Densely collagenised vessel seen with Masson’s trichrome in a high-power field. (e) Fortuitously found ependymal channel (blue arrows). This one attests partial vacuolation of the ependymal lining. (f) Boundary zone between a signet-ring cell area (green arrowhead) and the anaplastic component (right field). The black asterisks plot a long tailed blood vessel which ends in a microvascular proliferated glomerulus-like head.