Case Report

Florid Proliferation of Hyalinized Vessels in a Spermatic Cord STAT6 Positive Solitary Fibrous Tumor and Its Potential Clinical Implications

Table 2

Comparison of the immunohistochemical profile of classical cellular angiofibroma, SFT, and our patient’s spermatic cord tumor.

ImmunostainCellular AngiofibromaSFTPatient’s Tumor

CD34 [1, 2]+ (60%)+ (80-95 %)+
ER [24, 25]+ (35%)+ (focal)
PR [24, 25]+ (55%)+ (patchy)+ (focal)
SMA [1, 24]+ (21%)+ (20%)
S100 [1, 2]– (usually)
CD99 [26, 27]+ (2 of 4 cases reported)+ (70-94 %)+
bcl2 [1, 26]Not reported+ (30-96 %)+
STAT6 [3, 28]+ (>95%)+ (Figure 3(f))