Case Report

Fibrous Extracellular Spheroids in an Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Pancreatic Fine Needle Aspiration Correlating to a Gyriform Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor with a Unique Cobblestone Pavement Growth Pattern

Figure 11

(a) Diffuse granular cytoplasmic immunoreactivity is present in the ribbons of lesional epithelial cells between fibrous spheroids (Chromogranin A immunohistochemistry, 400X). (b) Diffuse and strong homogenous cytoplasmic immunoreactivity is confirmed in the epithelial cells (Synaptophysin immunohistochemistry, 400X). (c) Very rare epithelial nuclei (<3% of lesional cells) show immunoreactivity with the proliferation marker (Ki-67 immunohistochemistry, 400X).