Case Series

Primary Signet Ring Cell/Histiocytoid Carcinoma of the Eyelid: Clinicopathologic Analysis with Evaluation of the E-Cadherin/β-Catenin Complex and Associated Genetic Alterations

Figure 2

Case 1: (a) CT of maxillofacial area disclosing enhancement along the right infraorbital region (arrow); (b) multifocal cords of signet ring cells infiltrating dermis and directly associated with eccrine dermal ducts (H&E 10x). Inset disclosing single dyshesive signet ring cells infiltrating connective tissue (H&E 20x). Case 2: (c) MRI of the orbit, face, and neck depicting a right anterior mass adjacent to the nasolacrimal duct (arrow); (d) neoplastic cells infiltrating connective tissue and disclosing perineural invasion (inset: 20x).