Case Report

Leiomyosarcoma of the Renal Vein Mimicking a Primitive Renal Cell Carcinoma: Case Report of an Unusual Presentation

Figure 3

Hematoxylin and eosin staining. (a) A spindle cell neoplasm arranged in alternating fascicles arising from the wall of the renal vein. (b) The cells are spindle shaped with elongated blunt-ended nuclei, coarse chromatin, and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Presence of pleomorphic cells showing marked nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromasia, and prominent nucleoli. (c) The tumor is encapsulated (arrow) compressing the residual renal parenchyma. T: tumor; L: vascular lumen; WV: wall of the renal vein; R: renal tissue; arrow: tumor capsule.