Case Report

Marked Multiple Tendinitis at the Onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Patient with Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Ultrasonographic Observation

Figure 3

Ultrasound findings of knees, fingers, and toes. (a) Gray-scale and (b) power Doppler ultrasonograms of the longitudinal scan of the distal right patellar tendon (PT). Similar findings were also observed in the left PT (not shown). (c) Power Doppler ultrasonograms of the longitudinal scan of the extensor tendon and metacarpophalangeal joint of the third finger of the left hand. (d) Power Doppler ultrasonograms of the longitudinal scan of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the second toe of the left foot. HF Hoffa’s fat pad, Tib Tibia, MC metacarpal bone, PP proximal phalange, MT metatarsal bone.