Case Report

Fifty-Two-Week Results of Clinical and Imaging Assessments of a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Complicated by Systemic Sclerosis with Interstitial Pneumonia and Type 1 Diabetes despite Multiple Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug Therapy That Was Successfully Treated with Baricitinib: A Novel Case Report

Figure 1

Joint ultrasonography findings. Left, before baricitinib administration; center, 24 weeks after the start of baricitinib administration; right, 52 weeks after the start of baricitinib administration. The abnormal findings in the following joints disappeared for up to 52 weeks in both PD and GS examinations: (a) left first MCP joint, (b) left second MCP joint, (c) left radial joint, and (d) left elbow joint (extensor surface/cross-sectional view). GS: grayscale; PD: power Doppler; MCP: metacarpophalangeal.