Case Report

Clinical and Diagnostic Considerations for Atypical, Adult Onset Presentation of Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO)

Table 2

Score coefficient calculation for NBO diagnosis.

Risk factorScore coefficient

Normal blood cell count13
Symmetric lesions10
Lesions with marginal sclerosis10
Normal body temperature9
Vertebral, clavicular, or sternal lesions8
Radiologically proven lesions ≥27
CRP ≥1 mg/dl6
Total clinical score63

Optimal multivariable logistic regression model for calculating the clinical score for a diagnosis of nonbacterial osteitis from Jansson et al. [14]. Risk factors were included if the regression coefficient was statistically significant (). The total clinical score is the sum of score coefficients not equal to zero, with a range of 0–63.