Research Article

Loneliness during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Multicentric Case-Control Italian Study

Table 5

Analysis of subscores and total score of ULS-8, MSPSS, and SIDAS in 100 BMS patients and in 100 healthy controls.

Clinical parametersBMSHC value

ULS-8Median [IQR]Median [IQR]
 ULS-12 [1-3]2 [1-3]0.078
 ULS-22 [1-3]1 [1-2]0.144
 ULS-34 [3-4]3 [3-4]0.078
 ULS-41 [1-2]1 [1-2]0.575
 ULS-51 [1-2]1 [1-2]0.170
 ULS-63 [3-4]3.5 [3-4]0.968
 ULS-71 [1-2]1 [1-1.25]0.004
 ULS-82 [1-3]1 [1-2]0.292
ULS-8 total score16 [14-20.25]16 [14-17.25]0.017
MPSSMedian [IQR]Median [IQR]
 MPSS-16 [4-7]5 [3-7]0.080
 MPSS-26 [4.75-7]5.5 [2-7]0.044
 MPSS36 [5-7]5 [3-7]0.038
 MPSS-46 [4-7]5.5 [4-7]0.452
 MPSS-56 [4.75-7]6 [3-7]0.146
 MPSS-64 [2-5]4 [3-6]0.176
 MPSS-74 [2.75-5.25]4 [2.75-6]0.353
 MPSS-86 [4.75-7]6 [3-7]0.481
 MPSS-94 [3-6]4 [2-6]0.795
 MPSS-106 [4.75-7]6 [3-7]0.422
 MPSS-116 [5-7]6 [3-7]0.315
 MPSS-124 [2.75-6]5 [2.75-6]0.578
MPSS total score61 [51-72]61.5 [40-72]0.411
Family support24 [19-28]22 [14-28]0.193
Friend support16 [11-22]17.5 [11.5-24]0.493
Significant other support24 [17.8-28]22 [11.8-28]0.133
0 [0-0]
Median [IQR]
0 [0-0]

IQR is the interquartile range. The significant difference between medians was measured by the Mann–Whitney test. ULS-8 and SIDAS: significance with the Bonferroni correction 0.006. MSPSS: significance with the Bonferroni correction 0.004. Abbreviations: BMS: burning mouth syndrome; HC: healthy controls; ULS-8: UCLA Loneliness Scale-8; MSPSS: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; SIDAS: Suicidal Ideation Attribute Scale.