Clinical Study

Physician-Controlled Wire-Guided Cannulation of the Minor Papilla

Table 2

Procedural findings and outcomes.

Cannulation success24 (96%)
 Pancreas divisum22 (88%)
 Other*3 (12%)
Pathologic findings
 Chronic pancreatitis9 (36%)
 Stones, strictures
 Pseudocyst(s)5 (20%)
 PD leak1 (4%)
Minor papillotomy21 (84%)
Dorsal PD stent21 (84%)
Post-ERCP pancreatitis3 (12%)

ther: normal (1), pseudodivisum due to obstructing stone(s) in the ventral duct (1), unfused pancreatic ducts, yet ventral dominant—the dorsal duct ended blindly after 2 cm (1), PD: pancreatic duct.