Clinical Study

Improved Bowel Preparation with Multimedia Education in a Predominantly African-American Population: A Randomized Study

Table 4

Clinical and histological features of colonic polyps detected in the study population.

Study group ()Control group () value

Total number of adenomas/carcinomas detected31130.1
 (1) Right sided198
 (2) Left sided125
Total number of small adenomas20130.38
Total number of large adenomas/carcinomas1100.03
Total number of sessile adenomas27130.11
Total number of pedunculated adenomas200.33
Adenoma detection rate (%)16/48 (33.33%)9/46 (19.56%)0.13
 (1) Right sided127
 (2) Left sided73
Number of polyps detected57390.21
 (1) Right sided2011
 (2) Left sided3728
Polyp detection rate (%)23/48 (47.91%)16/46 (34.78%)0.2