Research Article

Employing Adalimumab in Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Real-Life Multicenter Data from the Czech Republic

Table 1

Demographic and clinical patients’ characteristics.

N (percentage)/Mean (±SD)

Number of patients299 (100.0%)
Men166 (55.5%)
Age (years)44.9 (±12.9)
Age at the time of diagnosis (years)33.6 (±13.1)
Age at the time of initiation of adalimumab (years)42.7 (±12.7)
Duration from diagnosis to the initiation of adalimumab (years)9.1 (±9.1)
Previous surgery of HS186 (62.2%)
Family history of HS51 (17.1%)
Smokers + Ex-smokers237 (79.3%)
Number of average cigarettes smoked per day13.8 (±8.5)
Current job status—work absences11 (3.7%)
Current job status—disability pension67 (22.4%)
Comorbidities176 (58.9%)
 Arterial hypertension79 (26.4%)
 Diabetes mellitus type II41 (13.7%)
 Dyslipidemia27 (9.0%)
 Depression16 (5.4%)
 Anxiety disorder8 (2.7%)
 Crohn’s disease6 (2.0%)
 Ulcerative colitis1 (0.3%)
Baseline BMI (kg/m2)30.8 (±5.9)
 Normal56 (18.7%)
 Overweight79 (26.4%)
 Obese164 (54.8%)
Prior systemic antibiotic use282 (94.3%)
Prior systemic retinoids use75 (25.1%)
Prior autogenous vaccine therapy21 (7.0%)
Prior systemic corticosteroid use7 (2.3%)
Localization of disease
 Axillae220 (73.6%)
 Inframammary folds + breasts55 (18.4%)
 Genitofemoral area252 (84.3%)
 Gluteal area170 (56.9%)

HS, hidradenitis suppurativa; BMI, body mass index.