Review Article

The Efficacy, Safety, and Recurrence Rate of Diphenylcyclopropenone Topical Immunotherapy for Alopecia Areata: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 2

Search strategy (Chinese pinyin version).

DatabasesSearch strategy

PubMed(“Alopecia areata” or “alopecia circumscripta” or “totalis” or “universalis”) and (“topical immunotherapy” or “diphenylcyclopropenone” or “diphencyprone” or “DPCP” or “DPCP”)
Embase(“Alopecia areata” or “alopecia circumscripta” or “totalis” or “universalis” or “alopecia universalis” or “alopecia totalis”) and (“topical immunotherapy” OR “diphenylcyclopropenone” or “diphencyprone” or “dpcp” or “dcp”)
Cochrane Library(“Alopecia areata” or “alopecia areata fere totalis” or “alopecia areata totalis”) and (“topical immunotherapy” or “diphenylcyclopropenone” or “diphencyprone”)
WanFang Data(Ju bu mian yi zhi liao) or (er ben ji huan bing xi tong) or (DPCP) and (ban tu) or (pu tu) or (quan tu)
Sinomed(Ban tu) or (pu tu) or (quan tu) and (ju bu mian yi zhi liao) or (er ben ji huan bing xi tong) or (DPCP)
Chinese Medical Journal Network(Ban tu or pu tu or quan tu) and (ju bu mian yi zhi liao or er ben ji huan bing xi tong or DPCP)