Research Article

Efficacy of Radiofrequency Diathermy versus Focused Ultrasound Therapy, Both Combined with Intermittent Pneumatic Compression, for Edematous Fibrosclerotic Panniculopathy Treatment: A Randomized Intrasubject Assessor-Blind Trial

Table 1

Baseline information (N = 20 women).

Age [Mean ± SD]25.35 ± 7.34

Weight [Mean ± SD]59.27 ± 7.93

Height [Mean ± SD]1.63 ± 0.05

BMI [Mean ± SD]22.20 ± 2.49

Grade of EFP [N (%)]Grade I8 (40%)
Grade II10 (50%)
Grade III2 (10%)

IPAQ [N (%)]Low3 (15%)
Moderate9 (45%)
High7 (35%)
Lost1 (5%)

SD: standard deviation; N: sample; BMI: body mass index; IPAQ: International Physical Activity Questionnaire; EFP: edematous fibroblastic panniculopathy.